Crochet mouse rat soft sculpture / poseable art doll - Secret Dwarf the Wizard

NeedleworkDolls & toys


Dwarf the Wizard lives in other side of the Secret Woods with his friend Dragon - Fly. Who knows where is this place.. the Secret Woods has no beginning nor the end. Together they do wonderful works - create magic potions to heal and to help in any troubles.. The Wizard is very smart and he knows how to keep in the bottle even autumn fog or the smell of a bog.. he can use even lost skin of the old spider or lost nails of a black cat. This Secret Dwarf and his friend are crocheted from various yarns - acrylic, fur yarn, cashmere wool, cotton yarn. Some parts - needle felted merino wool. Magic wand, dragonfly's head, dwarf eyes, tiny mushrooms with snail and frog in bottles - hand sculpted from polymer clay. Both creations have armature made from pose-able lock line, for some parts used copper wire. Clothes are constructed personally for the dwarf - taffeta, organza and faux leather.. lots of tiny glass beads. The crystal I have made from sodium borate. The height of the dwarf - 30