remaba Gallery of handcrafted goods from REMABA . Choose craftwork You like, push button "Contact me on Facebook.." and You will be redirected to author‘s Facebook profile.
Memory (Baltic way 30+h anniversary)
5 years
May blossomed with peany.
5 years
Baltic Way thirty ears anniversary
5 years
Patchwork " Stained glass window"
6 years
20.00 €
Post Stamps " Lithuania 10 years in Eu"
6 years
6 years
Lithuania - Maria Land
6 years
Christmas gift bag.
6 years
3.00 €
Patchwork "Childhood memory"
6 years
Christmas tree " Football"
7 years
New Year crown to hang on door
7 years
20.00 €
""Christmas Krown"
7 years
20.00 €
"Christmas tree"
7 years
30.00 €
Christmas tree decorations " Chotabicius beard ".
7 years
Quilt big toy "Ball"
7 years
50.00 €
3D Christmas tree
7 years
75.00 €
Christmas tree " Leaflet"
7 years
80.00 €
Pano " Miracles of the Universe"
7 years
Flying Angel with wings
7 years
100.00 €
Christmas and New Year accesories
7 years
Quilt "Gift basket"
7 years
"Sweet Diamonds Pillow "
7 years
20.00 €
Patchwork "Wooden house"
7 years
Patchwork "Fence gates"
7 years
Patchwork "Barn door"
7 years
Patchwork "Bee hive"
7 years
Patchwork " Table"
7 years
Patchwork "Book fair advertisement"
7 years
Patchwork "Oawn"
7 years
Patchwork "Corner of wooden house"
7 years